Kokoro—the charming Pallas's cat, who used to live in Kobe Animal Kingdom.
They were born on April 19, 2024 in Kobe Animal Kingdom to the family of Nar the Pallas's cat and Az the Pallas's cat.
Kokoro is a name proposed by maeko_manul. At first, maeko_manul considered calling him “Heart-kun”. However, this name did not align with the naming rule of his siblings, where each name is in Japanese and can be represented by a single Chinese character. So, maeko_manul came up with the name “Kokoro-kun.” Kokoro means “heart” in Japanese and can be written with the single character “心” in Chinese.
Unfortunately Kokoro is not with us anymore. They passed away on May 22, 2024, they were one month old.
One of the biggest problems of keeping Pallas's cats in captivity is the high mortality rate among Pallas's kittens. They are most vulnerable during their first year of life. In the first year of life mortality rate among Pallas's kittens in zoos varies from 50% to 70%. In the wild mortality rate varies from 70% to 90%. Unfortunately Kokoro didn't survive the first year of his life.
Siblings of Kokoro the Pallas's cat
Twin siblings born on April 19, 2024 in Kobe Animal Kingdom to the family of Nar and Az
Photos of Kokoro the Pallas's cat