Meet the gorgeous Mei the Pallas's cat. She lives in Kobe Animal Kingdom.
She's eleven months old, born on April 19, 2024 in Kobe Animal Kingdom to the family of Nar the Pallas's cat and Az the Pallas's cat.
Mei was given her name in Kobe Animal Kingdom where she was born. The zookeepers at Kobe Animal Kingdom have thoughtfully considered names for the manul kittens. Each name is inspired by a single kanji character that came to mind through daily interactions with the kittens and reflects their unique characteristics and behaviors, showing the affection and thoughtfulness of the keepers. From a young age, Mei was more energetic and stood out more than the others, with a bright and cheerful personality. The name “Mei” comes from the kanji for “bright” (明). Read more about the names of Mei.
Siblings of Mei the Pallas's cat
Twin siblings born on April 19, 2024 in Kobe Animal Kingdom to the family of Nar and Az
Photos of Mei the Pallas's cat
Videos of Mei the Pallas's cat
Naming history of Mei the Pallas's cat
On June 19, 2024 in Kobe Animal Kingdom she was given her name Mei (メイ), which she is known by to this day. The zookeepers at Kobe Animal Kingdom have thoughtfully considered names for the manul kittens. Each name is inspired by a single kanji character that came to mind through daily interactions with the kittens and reflects their unique characteristics and behaviors, showing the affection and thoughtfulness of the keepers. From a young age, Mei was more energetic and stood out more than the others, with a bright and cheerful personality. The name “Mei” comes from the kanji for “bright” (明).