Meet Shu the Manul—the fluffy gem of St. Petersburg! Shu is one year. He was born on May 24, 2023, to the family of beautiful Namika the Pallas's cat and Sven the Pallas's cat from the Leningrad Zoo..
Shu was given his name in Leningrad zoo where he was born. Zoo staff members named him Shu because when he was a kitten he was hissing a lot on them. Also Shu cake is a very popular dessert in Saint Petersburg. Read more about the names of Shu.
Shu was named this way because, as a baby, he used to hiss at people in a funny way (just as his mom taught him). Also, “Shu” is the name of a popular cream-filled bun which is popular in St. Petersburg.
Shu is very active, brave, and curious. He loves to run around his enclosure like a fluffy rocket, hunt birds, eat quail, and watch the zoo staff through the glass door.
Since his childhood, Shu has become a true star of the zoo and the conqueror of a thousand hearts!
Photos of Shu the Pallas's cat
Videos of Shu the Pallas's cat
Naming history of Shu the Pallas's cat
In the summer of 2023 in Leningrad zoo he was given his name Shu (Шу), which he is known by to this day. Zoo staff members named him Shu because when he was a kitten he was hissing a lot on them. Also Shu cake is a very popular dessert in Saint Petersburg.