A photograph of Namika in Leningrad zoo
Namika in Leningrad zoo, May 17, 2022

Otocolobus manul manul

Namika (Намика) the Pallas's cat

Misha's and Rosa's daughter who lives in Leningrad zoo. She was born on June 6, 2018 in Brno Zoo

ID: MNL000031

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Meet the beautiful, fluffy lady, Namika the Pallas's cat! She lives in Leningrad zoo.

Namika is six years, born on June 6, 2018, at Brno Zoo in the Czech Republic. She was the result of an unexpected and passionate romance between the beautiful Rosa and the young male, Makalu (who later moved to America, changed his name, and became Misha).

At one and a half years old, Namika relocated to St. Petersburg, to the Leningrad Zoo. Read more about the travels of Namika.

Namika was given her name in Brno Zoo where she was born. She was named after Namika La pass. It's a high mountain pass in the Zanskar mountain range in Himalayas, India. “Namika” in Tibetan means “pillar of the Sky”. Read more about the names of Namika.

Namika instantly captivates with her intensely expressive gaze: alluring and slightly misty, with the dramatic effect of smudged mascara, as if she were a silent movie actress!

A true furry muse, she’s the kind of inspiration Silver Age poets would have written poems about and dueled over!

Siblings of Namika the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on June 6, 2018 in Brno Zoo to the family of Misha and Rosa

Photos of Namika the Pallas's cat

Children of Namika the Pallas's cat

On May 24, 2023 in Leningrad zoo one Pallas's cat kitten was born to the family of Sven and Namika

Namika's travel adventures

In 2020 Namika moved from Brno Zoo to Leningrad zoo.

Naming history of Namika the Pallas's cat

In Brno Zoo she was given her name Namika, which she is known by to this day. She was named after Namika La pass. It's a high mountain pass in the Zanskar mountain range in Himalayas, India. “Namika” in Tibetan means “pillar of the Sky”.

A photograph of Namika in Brno Zoo
Namika in Brno Zoo
Image by Linmei