Behold Iris the Pallas's cat! He's another beautiful son of legendary Lev from Siberia and Shar from Japan. He lives in Kobe Oji Zoo.
He's seven years old, born on April 20, 2017 in Saitama Children's Zoo to the family of Lev the Pallas's cat and Shar the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Iris.
At the age of 1 year old he moved closer to a sea, to a one of the biggest port cities of Japan — Kobe, to Kobe Oji Zoo.
Iris was given his name in Saitama Children's Zoo where he was born. All children of Lev were named with Russian plant names in honour of his origins. Lev was born in the Novosibirsk Zoo. Read more about the names of Iris.
Iris looks just like his brother Grusha: same gorgeous sideburns, and incredible expressive contrast between black stripes and snow white furry beard, but lime eyes and pinkish nose have colder colors than Grusha.
Siblings of Iris the Pallas's cat
Twin siblings born on April 20, 2017 in Saitama Children's Zoo to the family of Lev and Shar
Photos of Iris the Pallas's cat
Iris's travel adventures
On March 2, 2018 Iris moved from Saitama Children's Zoo to Kobe Oji Zoo.
Naming history of Iris the Pallas's cat
In Saitama Children's Zoo he was given his name Iris (イーリス), which he is known by to this day. All children of Lev were named with Russian plant names in honour of his origins. Lev was born in the Novosibirsk Zoo.