A photograph of Paploo in Tregomeur Zoo
Paploo in Tregomeur Zoo, September 15, 2024

Otocolobus manul manul

Paploo the Pallas's cat


Tull's and Penelope's son who lived in Tregomeur Zoo. He was born on April 18, 2022 in Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens, he passed away in February of 2025

ID: MNL000117

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Paploo—the charming Pallas's cat, who used to live in Tregomeur Zoo.

He was born on April 18, 2022 in Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens to the family of Tull the Pallas's cat and Penelope the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Paploo.

He was given his first name Peter in Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens where he was born. When he moved to Tregomeur Zoo he was given a new name—Paploo. Paploo is a character from Star Wars — a furry Evok who are native to the forest moon of Endor. Read more about the names of Paploo.

Unfortunately Paploo is not with us anymore. He passed away in February of 2025, he was two years old.

Siblings of Paploo the Pallas's cat

Twin sister born on April 18, 2022 in Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens to the family of Tull and Penelope

Photos of Paploo the Pallas's cat

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Videos of Paploo the Pallas's cat

Video by Mammal keeper Willem Ijnimg and Stephen Woodham, ZooBorns, uploaded by Roman Paulov, Manulization

Paploo's travel adventures

On July 25, 2024 Paploo moved from Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens to Tregomeur Zoo.

Naming history of Paploo the Pallas's cat

Usually a manul has one name throughout its life, but on rare occasions name might be changed. For example, this can happen when a manul is moving from one institution to another—the new institution may give a manul a new name due to cultural, regional or other reasons.

In Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens he was given his first name—Peter.

In Tregomeur Zoo he was given his name Paploo. Paploo is a character from Star Wars — a furry Evok who are native to the forest moon of Endor.