A photograph of Haruto in Niabi Zoo
Haruto in Niabi Zoo, May 9, 2023
Image by Niabi zoo, uploaded by Manulization

Otocolobus manul manul

Haruto the Pallas's cat

Saaral's and Eva's son who lives in Niabi Zoo. He was born on April 20, 2017 in Red River Zoo

ID: MNL000296

Meet the loveliest Haruto the Pallas's cat. He lives in Niabi Zoo.

He's seven years old, born on April 20, 2017 in Red River Zoo to the family of Saaral the Pallas's cat and Eva the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Haruto.

Siblings of Haruto the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on April 20, 2017 in Red River Zoo to the family of Saaral and Eva

Photos of Haruto the Pallas's cat

Haruto's travel adventures

In 2017 Haruto moved from Red River Zoo to Niabi Zoo.