A photograph of Borsika in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden
Borsika in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden, May 19, 2023

Otocolobus manul manul

Borsika the Pallas's cat


Pabu's and Micha's daughter who lived in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden. She was born on April 1, 2014 in Nordens Ark, she passed away on July 8, 2023

ID: MNL000130

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Borsika—the gorgeous Pallas's cat, who used to live in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden.

She was born on April 1, 2014 in Nordens Ark to the family of Pabu the Pallas's cat and Micha the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Borsika.

Borsika was given her name in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden. In Hungarian “borsó” means «peas». Read more about the names of Borsika.

Unfortunately Borsika is not with us anymore. She passed away on July 8, 2023, she was nine years old.

Pallas's cats rarely live more than 5 years in the wild. In zoos under human care Pallas's cats live longer. Borsika lived a long and happy manul-life in comfort and being loved.

Siblings of Borsika the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on April 1, 2014 in Nordens Ark to the family of Pabu and Micha

Younger brother born on May 18, 2016 in Nordens Ark to the family of Pabu and Micha

Younger siblings born on May 15, 2015 in Nordens Ark to the family of Pabu and Micha

Photos of Borsika the Pallas's cat

Videos of Borsika the Pallas's cat

Children of Borsika the Pallas's cat

On March 23, 2022 in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden six pallas's cat kittens were born to the family of Bohus and Borsika

Borsika's travel adventures

In November of 2014 Borsika moved from Nordens Ark to Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden.

Naming history of Borsika the Pallas's cat

In Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden she was given her name Borsika. In Hungarian “borsó” means «peas».