A photograph of Calypso in Saarbrücken Zoo
Calypso in Saarbrücken Zoo

Otocolobus manul manul

Calypso the Pallas's cat

Pabu's and Micha's daughter who lived in Saarbrücken Zoo. She was born on May 15, 2015 in Nordens Ark, she passed away in December of 2023

ID: MNL000132

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Her Majesty Calypso!

This fluffy nymph lived in the zoo of Saarbrücken, Germany..

She was born on May 15, 2015 in Nordens Ark to the family of Pabu the Pallas's cat and Micha the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Calypso.

Calypso was given her name in Nordens Ark where she was born. All kittens of Micha and Pabu born in 2015 were named after characters from Greek mythology. She was named after Calypso – a nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia. Read more about the names of Calypso.

Calypso was imperturbable, stern, and as calm as a mountain. She loved to lay on the farthest shelf, bestowing everyone with a look of quintessential disdain. Beside her, one could distinctly feel their own insignificance in the presence of her manul majesty.

But in truth, words fail to capture Calypso: she was so majestically grand, monumental, and inimitably luxurious in her Rubenesque abundance of beauty, texture, and, of course, charisma! An incomparable, beautiful creature!

Unfortunately Calypso is not with us anymore. She passed away in December of 2023, she was eight years old.

Siblings of Calypso the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on May 15, 2015 in Nordens Ark to the family of Pabu and Micha

Younger brother born on May 18, 2016 in Nordens Ark to the family of Pabu and Micha

Older siblings born on April 1, 2014 in Nordens Ark to the family of Pabu and Micha

Photos of Calypso the Pallas's cat

Calypso's travel adventures

On January 24, 2016 Calypso moved from Nordens Ark to Saarbrücken Zoo.

Naming history of Calypso the Pallas's cat

In Nordens Ark she was given her name Calypso. All kittens of Micha and Pabu born in 2015 were named after characters from Greek mythology. She was named after Calypso – a nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia.

A photograph of Calypso in Saarbrücken Zoo
Calypso in Saarbrücken Zoo, October 6, 2022