A photograph of Bob in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden
Image by Kata Száraz

Otocolobus manul manul

Bob the Pallas's cat


Bohus's and Borsika's son who lives in Zie-Zoo. He was born on March 23, 2022 in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden

ID: MNL000145

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Let us introduce you to the beautiful Bob the Pallas's cat. He lives in Zie-Zoo.

He's two years old, born on March 23, 2022 in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden to the family of Bohus the Pallas's cat and Borsika the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Bob.

He was given his first name Algyr in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden where he was born. When he moved to Zie-Zoo he was given a new name—Bob. Read more about the names of Bob.

Siblings of Bob the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on March 23, 2022 in Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden to the family of Bohus and Borsika

Photos of Bob the Pallas's cat

Videos of Bob the Pallas's cat

Video by Budapesti Állatkert, uploaded by Roman Paulov, Manulization

Bob's travel adventures

In February of 2023 Bob moved from Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden to Zie-Zoo.

Naming history of Bob the Pallas's cat

Usually a manul has one name throughout its life, but on rare occasions name might be changed. For example, this can happen when a manul is moving from one institution to another—the new institution may give a manul a new name due to cultural, regional or other reasons.

In Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden he was given his first name—Algyr.

In Zie-Zoo he was given his name Bob, which he is known by to this day.