
Otocolobus manul manul

Araatan (Араатан) the Pallas's cat

Temuchin's and Nuruu's son who lived in Howletts Wild Animal Park. He was born in July of 2016, he is not with us anymore.

ID: MNL000473

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Araatan—the endearing Pallas's cat, who used to live in Howletts Wild Animal Park.

He was born in July of 2016 in Howletts Wild Animal Park to the family of Temuchin the Pallas's cat and Nuruu the Pallas's cat.

Araatan was given his name in Howletts Wild Animal Park where he was born. All Timuchin’s children were named with Mongolian names. “Araatan” (Араатан) meand “a predator” in Mongolian. Read more about the names of Araatan.

Unfortunately Araatan is not with us anymore.

Siblings of Araatan the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born in July of 2016 in Howletts Wild Animal Park to the family of Temuchin and Nuruu

Photos of Araatan the Pallas's cat

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Naming history of Araatan the Pallas's cat

In Howletts Wild Animal Park he was given his name Araatan (Араатан). All Timuchin’s children were named with Mongolian names. “Araatan” (Араатан) meand “a predator” in Mongolian.