A photograph of Unnamed manul #283 in Opel Zoo
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Unnamed manul #283 in Opel Zoo, July 22, 2023

Otocolobus manul manul

Unnamed manul #283

Peski's and Daughter of Miley b. 2016's son who lives in Opel Zoo. He was born in 2019 in Jihlava Zoo

ID: MNL000283

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Let us introduce you to the gorgeous Unnamed manul #283. He lives in Opel Zoo.

He's about six years old, born around 2019 in Jihlava Zoo to the family of Peski the Pallas's cat and Daughter of Miley b. 2016. Read more about the travels of this manul.

Photos of this manul

Travel adventures of this manul

In 2019 Unnamed manul #283 moved from Jihlava Zoo to Opel Zoo.

A photograph of Unnamed manul #283 in Opel Zoo
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Unnamed manul #283 in Opel Zoo, July 22, 2023