A photograph of Erdene in Kraków Zoo
Erdene in Kraków Zoo, November 14, 2024
Image by https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=559405386796691&set=a.171852508885316, uploaded by Marlena S

Otocolobus manul manul

Erdene the Pallas's cat


Beebop's and Alula's daughter who lived in Kraków Zoo. She was born on March 30, 2014 in Highland Wildlife Park, she passed away in February of 2025

ID: MNL000385

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Erdene—the gorgeous Pallas's cat, who used to live in Kraków Zoo.

She was born on March 30, 2014 in Highland Wildlife Park to the family of Beebop the Pallas's cat and Alula the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Erdene.

Erdene was given her name in Highland Wildlife Park where she was born. In Mongolian it means "jewel, treasure". Read more about the names of Erdene.

Unfortunately Erdene is not with us anymore. She passed away in February of 2025, she was ten years old.

Pallas's cats rarely live more than 5 years in the wild. In zoos under human care Pallas's cats live longer. Erdene lived a long and happy manul-life in comfort and being loved.

Siblings of Erdene the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on March 30, 2014 in Highland Wildlife Park to the family of Beebop and Alula

Older brother born on June 4, 2011 in Highland Wildlife Park to the family of Beebop and Alula

Photos of Erdene the Pallas's cat

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Children of Erdene the Pallas's cat

In 2017 in Kraków Zoo four pallas's cat kittens were born to the family of Manuel and Erdene

On April 4, 2016 in Kraków Zoo four pallas's cat kittens were born to the family of Manuel and Erdene

Erdene's travel adventures

In 2015 Erdene moved from Highland Wildlife Park to Kraków Zoo.

Naming history of Erdene the Pallas's cat

In Highland Wildlife Park she was given her name Erdene. In Mongolian it means "jewel, treasure".