A photograph of Mania in Poznan New Zoo
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Mania in Poznan New Zoo, January 2, 2025

Otocolobus manul manul

Mania (Маня) the Pallas's cat

Timofey's and Lastochka's daughter who lives in Poznan New Zoo. She was born on April 21, 2016 in Novosibirsk Zoo

ID: MNL000386

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Meet the loveliest Mania the Pallas's cat. She lives in Poznan New Zoo.

She's eight years old, born on April 21, 2016 in Novosibirsk Zoo to the family of Timofey the Pallas's cat and Lastochka the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Mania.

Mania was given her name in Poznan New Zoo. Read more about the names of Mania.

Siblings of Mania the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on April 21, 2016 in Novosibirsk Zoo to the family of Timofey and Lastochka

Photos of Mania the Pallas's cat

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Children of Mania the Pallas's cat

On April 8, 2020 in Poznan New Zoo five pallas's cat kittens were born to the family of Borys and Mania

Mania's travel adventures

In May of 2017 Mania moved from Novosibirsk Zoo to Poznan New Zoo.

Naming history of Mania the Pallas's cat

In Poznan New Zoo she was given her name Mania (Маня), which she is known by to this day.