
Otocolobus manul manul

Bartok the Pallas's cat

Timofey's and Lastochka's son who lived in Les Terres de Nataé. He was born on April 21, 2016 in Novosibirsk Zoo, he passed away in December of 2023

ID: MNL000265

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Bartok—the gorgeous Pallas's cat, who used to live in Les Terres de Nataé.

He was born on April 21, 2016 in Novosibirsk Zoo to the family of Timofey the Pallas's cat and Lastochka the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Bartok.

Bartok was given his name in Les Terres de Nataé. He was named after one of characters from Anastasiya cartoon movie. Read more about the names of Bartok.

Unfortunately Bartok is not with us anymore. He passed away in December of 2023, he was seven years old.

Siblings of Bartok the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on April 21, 2016 in Novosibirsk Zoo to the family of Timofey and Lastochka

Photos of Bartok the Pallas's cat

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Bartok's travel adventures

On June 28, 2017 Bartok moved from Novosibirsk Zoo to Les Terres de Nataé.

Naming history of Bartok the Pallas's cat

In Les Terres de Nataé he was given his name Bartok. He was named after one of characters from Anastasiya cartoon movie.