A photograph of Loesje in Nordens Ark
Loesje in Nordens Ark, October 28, 2023

Otocolobus manul manul

Loesje the Pallas's cat

Panoel's* and Manoel's* daughter who lived in Nordens Ark. She was born on April 2, 2017 in Rotterdam Zoo, she passed away in the autumn of 2024

ID: MNL000136

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Meet Loesje, the beautiful furry resident of the Scandinavian lands, a majestic Pallas's cat!, who used to live in Nordens Ark.

She was born on April 2, 2017 in Rotterdam Zoo to the family of Panoel the Pallas's cat and Manoel the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Loesje.

Loesje was given her name in Rotterdam Zoo where she was born. Read more about the names of Loesje.

Loesje enjoys a large enclosure, part of which is hidden from visitors' view, making it a real treat to spot her! You’ll most often catch a glimpse of her while she’s waiting for lunch. This mysterious beauty leads a secretive life, prefers solitude, and has a great love for food!

Luche is easily recognized by her damaged right eye, which resembles an amber gem, adding to her unique charm and air of mystery.

Please give her your love and a warm welcome!

Unfortunately Loesje is not with us anymore. She passed away in the autumn of 2024, she was seven years old.

Photos of Loesje the Pallas's cat

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Videos of Loesje the Pallas's cat

Children of Loesje the Pallas's cat

On April 9, 2024 in Nordens Ark four pallas's cat kittens were born to the family of Thomas O'Malley and Loesje

On April 8, 2020 in Nordens Ark two pallas's cat kittens were born to the family of Thomas O'Malley and Loesje

Loesje's travel adventures

In 2018 Loesje moved from Rotterdam Zoo to Nordens Ark.

Naming history of Loesje the Pallas's cat

In Rotterdam Zoo she was given her name Loesje.

A photograph of Loesje in Nordens Ark
Loesje in Nordens Ark, September 1, 2024
Image by Manulivuosi