A photograph of Kubi in Wrocław Zoo
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Kubi in Wrocław Zoo, October 26, 2021
Image by Kacha Kulios

Otocolobus manul manul

Kubi the Pallas's cat

Thomas O'Malley's and Loesje's son who lives in Wrocław Zoo. He was born on April 8, 2020 in Nordens Ark

ID: MNL000140

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Meet the endearing Kubi the Pallas's cat. He lives in Wrocław Zoo.

He's four years old, born on April 8, 2020 in Nordens Ark to the family of Thomas O'Malley the Pallas's cat and Loesje the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Kubi.

Kubi was given his name in Nordens Ark where he was born. Mountain names were given to kittens in this litter. Kubi was named after Kubi Gangri – a mountain in the Himalayas of Asia. Read more about the names of Kubi.

Siblings of Kubi the Pallas's cat

Twin brother born on April 8, 2020 in Nordens Ark to the family of Thomas O'Malley and Loesje

Younger siblings born on April 9, 2024 in Nordens Ark to the family of Thomas O'Malley and Loesje

Photos of Kubi the Pallas's cat

Kubi's travel adventures

On June 12, 2021 Kubi moved from Nordens Ark to Wrocław Zoo.

Naming history of Kubi the Pallas's cat

In Nordens Ark he was given his name Kubi, which he is known by to this day. Mountain names were given to kittens in this litter. Kubi was named after Kubi Gangri – a mountain in the Himalayas of Asia.

A photograph of Kubi in Wrocław Zoo
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Kubi in Wrocław Zoo, December 8, 2021
Image by Kacha Kulios