
Otocolobus manul manul

Altai (Altaï) the Pallas's cat

Son of Dandelion b. 2012's and Daughter of Madre b. 2007's daughter who lived in Mulhouse Zoological and Botanical Park. She was born on April 4, 2014 in Parco Faunistico La Torbiera, she passed away in the winter of 2023–2024

ID: MNL000108

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Altai—the charming Pallas's cat, who used to live in Mulhouse Zoological and Botanical Park.

She was born on April 4, 2014 in Parco Faunistico La Torbiera to the family of Son of Dandelion b. 2012 and Daughter of Madre b. 2007. Read more about the travels of Altai.

Unfortunately Altai is not with us anymore. She passed away in the winter of 2023–2024, she was nine years old.

Pallas's cats rarely live more than 5 years in the wild. In zoos under human care Pallas's cats live longer. Altai lived a long and happy manul-life in comfort and being loved.

Siblings of Altai the Pallas's cat

Younger siblings born on March 21, 2016 in Parco Faunistico La Torbiera to the family of Son of Dandelion b. 2012 and Daughter of Madre b. 2007

Photos of Altai the Pallas's cat

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Altai's travel adventures

On February 18, 2015 Altai moved from Parco Faunistico La Torbiera to Mulhouse Zoological and Botanical Park.