
a home for manulovers

Manuls 535

Zoos and Parks 121

Photos 1810

Videos 174

A photograph of Thomas O'Malley in Nordens Ark

Who are Pallas's cats?

Pallas's cats (or Manuls) are small wild cats that live in the harsh conditions of the Asian steppes and high mountains.

They have the densest and fluffiest fur of all felines, round pupils, rounded ears set low, and incredible rugged charisma!

Manuls superpower is the ability to put their paws on their tail when it's cold!

Manuls are solitary animals and masters of camouflage. In case of danger, they don't run away but lie low.

Manuls are listed in IUCN Red List.

A photograph of a Pallas's cat

Manulization: A Community of People Who Love Manuls

We are Roman and Viktoriya, the creators of the project.

We founded Manulization to educate people about this amazing and endangered species, and to unite people around the world who love them!

A photograph of a Pallas's cat in Novosibirsk Zoo

Pallas's Cats Photo Gallery

We travel to zoos worldwide to photograph manuls and delight you with shots of your favorite fluffs.

Do you photograph manuls too? We invite you to contribute to our gallery! Upload your photos of manuls now.

imagePallas's Cat Photos Highlights

A photograph of a Pallas's cat in Novosibirsk Zoo

The Best Pallas's Cats Videos

We create manul videos to immerse you in the world of these fascinating creatures.

video_camera_backPallas's Cat Videos Highlights

A photograph of Pazzo in Nordens Ark

Don't Lose Sight of Your Favorite Pallas's Cats

We try to keep track of all the manuls living in zoos.

Each manul has its own page on our website, where you can find photos, videos, and all available information about him or her.

Start exploring the world of Pallas' cats with the most charismatic of these animals!

manulPallas's Cats Superstars

A photograph of a Pallas's cat

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