A photograph of UU in Qushui Zoo
UU* in Qushui Zoo
Image by Yspenny, uploaded by kørun411

Otocolobus manul nigripectus

UU* the Pallas's cat

UU* lives in Qushui Zoo. She was born in the spring of 2023 in the wild in Nagqu Diqu, China

* This name is unofficial one. It was given by either fans or us.

ID: MNL000346

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Meet the gorgeous UU the Pallas's cat. She lives in Qushui Zoo.

She's about two years old, born in the spring of 2023 in the wild in Nagqu Diqu, China, her parents are unknown. Read more about the travels of UU.

He and his two siblings were found in a construction site in Nagqu and delivered to the zoo.

Siblings of UU the Pallas's cat

Twin brother born in the spring of 2023 in Nagqu Diqu, China. Their parents are uncertain for us at the moment

Photos of UU the Pallas's cat

A photograph of UU in Qushui Zoo
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UU* in Qushui Zoo
Image by Yspenny, uploaded by kørun411
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UU's travel adventures

In 2023 UU* moved from the wild from Nagqu Diqu, China to Qushui Zoo.

Naming history of UU the Pallas's cat

In China she was given her name UU, which she is known by to this day. It's not an official name; it was given to her by Chinese manulovers. The public gave her this name because of the shape of the spot between her eyes.