Opole Zoo

Opole Zoo

Ogród Zoologiczny w Opolu, Opole, Poland

Pallas's cats in Opole Zoo

Unfortunately right now there're no Pallas's cats in Opole Zoo.

Photos of Pallas's cats in Opole Zoo

A photograph of a Pallas's cat in Opole Zoo
A photo of a Pallas's cat in Opole Zoo, April 22, 2013
Image by https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=330974923695435&set=a.259444550848473, uploaded by Marlena S
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Opole Zoo was a home for two manuls

It's a list of Pallas's cats who ever been in Opole Zoo, but right now they are not here.

Opole Zoo

Established: 1930


Ul. Spacerowa 10
Opole, 45-094
Opole Voivodeship

Phone: +48 77 4541521

Email: zoo@zoo.opole.pl