Sun Simiao

Otocolobus manul nigripectus

Sun Simiao (狲思邈) the Pallas's cat

Sun Simiao lived in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo. He was born in the spring of 2015 in the wild in Xining, China, he passed away on October 10, 2022

ID: MNL000337

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Sun Simiao—the gorgeous Pallas's cat, who used to live in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo.

He was born in the spring of 2015 in the wild in Xining, China, his parents are unknown. Read more about the travels of Sun Simiao.

Sun Simiao was given his name in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo. His name comes from the time of his first mating which lasted for 4 seconds. Read more about the names of Sun Simiao.

Unfortunately Sun Simiao is not with us anymore. He passed away on October 10, 2022, he was seven years old.

Siblings of Sun Simiao the Pallas's cat

Twin sister born in the spring of 2015 in Xining, China. Their parents are uncertain for us at the moment

Photos of Sun Simiao the Pallas's cat

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Children of Sun Simiao the Pallas's cat

In May of 2022 in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo one Pallas's cat kitten was born to the family of Sun Simiao and Sun Xiaomei

On May 7, 2021 in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo one Pallas's cat kitten was born to the family of Sun Simiao and Sun Shangxiang

Sun Simiao's travel adventures

In 2015 Sun Simiao moved from the wild from Xining, China to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo.

In 2015 a resident of Xining found two Pallas's cat kittens and brought them to the zoo.

Naming history of Sun Simiao the Pallas's cat

In Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo he was given his name Sun Simiao (狲思邈). His name comes from the time of his first mating which lasted for 4 seconds.