
Otocolobus manul manul

Shiva the Pallas's cat


Wei Shand's and Tula's son who lived in Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes. He was born on May 28, 2010 in The Big Cat Sanctuary, he passed away in 2022

ID: MNL000119

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Shiva—the amazing Pallas's cat, who used to live in Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes.

He was born on May 28, 2010 in The Big Cat Sanctuary to the family of Wei Shand the Pallas's cat and Tula the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Shiva.

He was given his first name Caspian in The Big Cat Sanctuary where he was born. When he moved to Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes he was given a new name—Shiva. Read more about the names of Shiva.

Unfortunately Shiva is not with us anymore. He passed away in 2022, he was eleven years old.

Pallas's cats rarely live more than 5 years in the wild. In zoos under human care Pallas's cats live longer. Shiva lived a long and happy manul-life in comfort and being loved.

Siblings of Shiva the Pallas's cat

Twin siblings born on May 28, 2010 in The Big Cat Sanctuary to the family of Wei Shand and Tula

Younger sister born in 2014 in The Big Cat Sanctuary to the family of Wei Shand and Tula

Photos of Shiva the Pallas's cat

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Videos of Shiva the Pallas's cat

Children of Shiva the Pallas's cat

On June 13, 2017 in Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes two pallas's cat kittens were born to the family of Shiva and Lea

Shiva's travel adventures

In 2011 Shiva moved from The Big Cat Sanctuary to Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes.

Naming history of Shiva the Pallas's cat

Usually a manul has one name throughout its life, but on rare occasions name might be changed. For example, this can happen when a manul is moving from one institution to another—the new institution may give a manul a new name due to cultural, regional or other reasons.

In The Big Cat Sanctuary he was given his first name—Caspian.

In Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes he was given his name Shiva.