A photograph of Mochi in Kobe Oji Zoo
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Mochi in Kobe Oji Zoo, February 15, 2007
Image by muzina_shanghai, uploaded by Manulization

Otocolobus manul manul

Mochi (モチ) the Pallas's cat

Mochi lived in Kobe Oji Zoo. She was born in the wild in China, she passed away on December 11, 2007

ID: MNL000437

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Mochi—the endearing Pallas's cat, who used to live in Kobe Oji Zoo.

She was born in the wild in China, her parents are unknown. Read more about the travels of Mochi.

Unfortunately Mochi is not with us anymore. She passed away on December 11, 2007.

Photos of Mochi the Pallas's cat

Mochi's travel adventures

We are uncertain when Mochi moved from the wild from China to Tianjin Zoo.

On October 19, 2001 Mochi moved from Tianjin Zoo to Kobe Oji Zoo.

A photograph of Mochi in Kobe Oji Zoo
Mochi in Kobe Oji Zoo, February 15, 2007
Image by muzina_shanghai, uploaded by Manulization