A photograph of Ridzinieks in Riga Zoo
Ridzinieks* in Riga Zoo, 1972
Image by G. Manzurova, uploaded by Manulization

Otocolobus manul manul

Ridzinieks* (Rīdzinieks) the Pallas's cat

Ridzinieks* lived in Riga Zoo. He was born 1968–1969 in the wild in Russia, he passed away on October 11, 1972

* This name is unofficial one. It was given by either fans or us.

ID: MNL000590

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Hello to no one from fluffy Rīdzinieks! This grumpy handsome manul once lived in the Riga zoo..

He was born 1968–1969 in the wild in Russia, his parents are unknown. Read more about the travels of Ridzinieks.

Unfortunately Ridzinieks is not with us anymore. He passed away on October 11, 1972, he was four years old.

Photos of Ridzinieks the Pallas's cat

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Ridzinieks's travel adventures

We are uncertain when Ridzinieks* moved from the wild from Russia to Moscow zoo.

On June 30, 1970 Ridzinieks* moved from Moscow zoo to Riga Zoo.