A photograph of Malina in Center for the reproduction of rare species of animals
Image by Центр воспроизводства редких видов животных, uploaded by Оксана

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Malina (Малина) the Pallas's cat

Skif's and Skipa's daughter who lived in Center for the reproduction of rare species of animals. She was born in 2016, she passed away in 2024

ID: MNL000042

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Malina—the terrific Pallas's cat, who used to live in Center for the reproduction of rare species of animals.

She was born in 2016 in Center for the reproduction of rare species of animals to the family of Skif the Pallas's cat and Skipa the Pallas's cat.

Malina was given her name in Center for the reproduction of rare species of animals where she was born. “Malina” in Russian means “red raspberry” (Rubus idaeus). Read more about the names of Malina.

Unfortunately Malina is not with us anymore. She passed away in 2024, she was eight years old.

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Naming history of Malina the Pallas's cat

In Center for the reproduction of rare species of animals she was given her name Malina (Малина). “Malina” in Russian means “red raspberry” (Rubus idaeus).

A photograph of Malina in Center for the reproduction of rare species of animals
Image by Центр воспроизводства редких видов животных, uploaded by Оксана