A photograph of Ling-ling and Jian-jian in Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Image by Japanese newspaper, uploaded by Manulization

Otocolobus manul nigripectus

Jian-jian (健健) the Pallas's cat

Jian-jian lived in Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens. He was born 1982–1983 in the wild in Qinghai, China, he passed away on February 2, 1985

ID: MNL000044

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Jian-jian—the loveliest Pallas's cat, who used to live in Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens.

He was born 1982–1983 in the wild in Qinghai, China, his parents are unknown. Read more about the travels of Jian-jian.

Jian-jian was given his name in Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens. His name means „healthy“ in Chinese. Read more about the names of Jian-jian.

Unfortunately Jian-jian is not with us anymore. He passed away on February 2, 1985, he was three years old.

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Jian-jian's travel adventures

On April 6, 1984 Jian-jian moved from Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo to Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens.

He was sent from Nanjing to Nagoya as an ambassador of friendship between two cities for the 5th anniversary of cities sisterhood. The Chinese delegation including the mayor of Nanjing and the mayor of Nagoya attended a ceremony at the newly built manul enclosure at the zoo’s carnivore area to celebrate their arrival.

1982–1984 Jian-jian moved from the wild from Qinghai, China to Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo.

Naming history of Jian-jian the Pallas's cat

In Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens he was given his name Jian-jian (健健). His name means „healthy“ in Chinese.