A photograph of Ceba in Smithsonian's National Zoo
Ceba in Smithsonian's National Zoo, May 18, 2024
Image by Anna Smith

Otocolobus manul manul

Ceba the Pallas's cat

Yeshi's and Eva's daughter who lives in Smithsonian's National Zoo. She was born on April 17, 2020 in Red River Zoo

ID: MNL000251

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Let us introduce you to the loveliest Ceba the Pallas's cat. She lives in Smithsonian's National Zoo.

She's four years old, born on April 17, 2020 in Red River Zoo to the family of Yeshi the Pallas's cat and Eva the Pallas's cat. Read more about the travels of Ceba.

Ceba was given her name in Smithsonian's National Zoo. Ceba means something dear to hold. The name has a Tibetan origin. Read more about the names of Ceba.

Siblings of Ceba the Pallas's cat

Twin sisters born on April 17, 2020 in Red River Zoo to the family of Yeshi and Eva

Photos of Ceba the Pallas's cat

Ceba's travel adventures

In 2022 Ceba moved from Red River Zoo to Smithsonian's National Zoo.

Naming history of Ceba the Pallas's cat

In Smithsonian's National Zoo she was given her name Ceba, which she is known by to this day. Ceba means something dear to hold. The name has a Tibetan origin.